wondering wednesday
PostedUnfortunately today I am a little overwhelmed.....I find myself wondering about my future. I am supposed to go back to work December first yet I am unsure where I will be working. I love my job I love working with tiny humans....it makes me feel important. It's saddens me b.c I can't work anything but days b.c my kids need me. There is no position open so it kind of depresses me. I am nervous about not having a job that I can work and still make myself as available to my children as possible. I need a job but my babies come first and i have made so much progress with alyssa I almost feel that if I don't stick with it I am almost certain that things will start Going downhill. I don't have much help from their dad as far as parental support......he is going thru some things so I def feel a little alone. I have Joel but its not his responsibility